“Gratitude is a must”, I cannot be the only one who hears Koffee singing this lyrics and feel a surge of happiness. The world is still going through a time of adjustment, change, and with that comes discomfort and frustration. In times that like it is also easy to lose sight of the things that are actually a blessing that we overlook. 2020 has been difficult on all of us and aside from the pandemic, we have lost many loved ones. This year I have seen people I went to school with, others that I have grown up around, and other relatives pass on. It has been heartbreaking to wake up to “RIP” on the timeline, and seeing more lives lost in the midst of surges of lives being lost due to Covid-19.
As much as we say it, I do not think we understand how underrated to wake up alive is. Gratitude is something that I am still learning to grow within myself and cultivate that same feeling within the people around me and keeping that energy alive. It is easy to get caught up in what we feel we need, what we want, and where we feel we need to be. In that motion of thinking, we lose sight of the simplistic blessings that actually hold a bigger magnitude than we recognize. It is time for us all to breed a better sense of gratitude within ourselves, because there’s someone who didn’t get that blessings.
Do not get me wrong, I am not neglecting people’s feelings on where they feel they need to be. I understand that it is difficult to be in a funk, knowing that you are not going to be able to move much. However when you find the good in where you are, you can find a better path to where you need to be. Giving myself as an example, I was in a funk not knowing what my Fall semester would be like and whether or not I would be able to go back to school. With that, I lost sight of where I am now and the work I am doing. Although I am unsure of certain things, I am still grateful to be working and gaining an income, being in a safe environment, and most importantly I am healthy and alive.
Take a second. Look at your life now and remember that gratitude will always be a must. When we breed a sense of gratitude, there is more light and there is more love. The world needs more love, more light and better energy. But, it all starts with you.
Are you grateful?