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So, We Made It To 2023!

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Hello, hi. It’s been a minute...

But first, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Another year has come and this time it’s a little bit different. Reflecting back to 2022, I was about to enter the adult world with heaps of anxieties and mounds of hope. Hopeful of stepping into my purpose, taking leaps of faith on what I believed I was called to do and anxious about the chaos of adulthood. After a year of dabbling in the adult world, I’m still figuring it all out but I’m learning and I’m growing, and for that, we are grateful.

As one would do at the end of the year, I reflected on the little nuggets of knowledge that I have come to hold unto and intend on carrying into 2023. I did not want this to be a reflection of things I have done but one of things I want to carry into the new year, knowledge that would be some form guiding compass. In the midst of all this here’s what I’ve learned along the way & Im taking into 2023 as a guiding compass.

So here's my top 5:

  1. You’ll always have you to care for, before anyone else. The minute you sacrifice that for the comfort of others, you’re allowing being placed in the backseat of your own life.

  2. Don’t hold back on the unfollowing/blocking! We often blur these lines for the sake of community/ties, but if the content/person isn’t positively influencing you, there’s no need to carry dead weight.

  3. Sometimes changes of course doesn't mean a complete upheaval but rather a realignment that can allow us to see our lane a bit clearer.

  4. Be intentional about showing up for yourself. This opens your mind to seeing the simplest ways to care for yourself to the more complex of ways.

  5. Be fearless about pursuing what you want, especially if you’re young! Our generation is one that has witnessed shifts and imposed them as well, there’s no better time to shake things up than now.

With that being said, here’s to a 2023 filled with peace of mind, clarity in purpose, communities that uplift us, showers of love and an overflow of blessings.

Love & Light,



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