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Me? Blog? Let’s try it.

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

It is 2019 and everyone is into the whole “new year, new me”. We are all looking into our lives, seeking to find what we want to change or improve about ourselves. It is always refreshing to start a new year, a fresh start to a multitude of experiences, and challenges ready to be faced. I am not going to lie and say that I have never been a part of the “new year, new me” crew. Many a times, I caught myself saying this but in all honesty sometimes it was just for the sake of joining the bandwagon. At some point I came to realize that this statement wasn’t given the weight that it deserved. When one thinks of being a newer version of themselves, should be held to a higher esteem.

When I started thinking about this, I realized that I was cosigning to an ideal or standard that I did not necessarily believe. As I delved into this whole idea of “new me”, I realized that all I wanted was to be a better Vanessa. Saying that I wanted a “new me”, symbolized that I wanted to toss out current Vanessa for another, but I realized that wasn’t realistic. Every year we undergo challenges that teach us lessons, and enable us to see areas in our lives where things aren’t as clear as they ought to be. Through these same challenges and experiences, we then build on our characters and also start to define what kind of people we want to grow into. So when I came to think about all this, I changed my motives from “new me” to “improved me”.

I found it realistic to say “new year, improved me” because, essentially I would be building on what I already know. This meaning that I would improve in different areas of my life, without doing away with what I had already experienced.

So here is to a year of IMPROVEMENT.

Happy New Year folks.

Processed with VSCO with dog3 preset

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