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My Top 10 Lessons of 2019

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

The year is coming to an end, and thus I have taken the time to recalibrate and reflect. This year has shook me, changed me and pushed me to grow. Here is what I learned:

  1. It all starts with you. No change can occur until you take the active step to change and grow. If you want to change something about you, your relationships, or your environment, IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU

  2. Grow at your own pace and do it for yourself. Start looking at your growth like a child that needs time, love, care, and nurturing. Do not rush the process, but trust the process. Most importantly, DO NOT DO IT FOR ANYONE BUT YOURSELF.

  3. Take time to recalibrate. It is easy to get stuck in the motions and live your life on fast forward, but take the time to recalibrate. Take a beat, and breathe. Your mind and body will thank you.

  4. You lose more when you do not try. We have all heard the saying “Try and fail, but never fail to try”, so jump out of your comfort zone because you lose more staying in that box.

  5. You owe no one perfection. Live your life for you, and what other people think about you is not your responsibility, neither is it your cross to bare.

  6. You do not always have to be the strong friend. If you are the “strong” friend of the group, stop muting your pain all for the sake of being there for others. It is okay to say you are not doing well, and allow others to be there for you.

  7. Therapy is not just for serious mental illnesses. If you, like me, thought that your problems are too small for therapy, jump out of that mentality. Therapy has taught me a lot about myself and also pushed me to keep my healing process going.

  8. Do not be too hard on yourself. Take the time to celebrate your wins, growth and lessons. Do not be too hard on yourself that you do not see how far you have come. Celebrate you!

  9. Find your tribe. Seek to keep people who are a balance of work hard and play hard. Find a tribe that you make amazing memories with, and who keep you on your grind.

  10. At the end of every day, remember to be thankful for all you are, and all you are going to be.

Happy 2020 friends. May it be a fruitful and beautiful chapter for all of us.

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