We are on season three of this COVID-19 and it still hasn’t fully sunk in yet. We are all trying to keep things together on all ends of our lives. For some this has been a time of realizing how blessed and fortunate we are, and for others it has been a time of trial after trial. I am one of the people who has come to realize how fortunate and blessed I am. Each day my sense of gratitude grows because of the different stories I hear of people who are in harsher conditions than I may be in. Although I am grateful to have this perspective on life, there is a part of me that knew this was also bad.
Quarantine has been one of those things that has challenged me emotionally, and I came to realize that I was becoming too good at ignoring my emotions. My sense of gratitude was growing because I was primarily looking at the physical aspects of life. I had food, shelter, warmth, and all the basic needs for my everyday life to run smoothly. In addition to that, I also am blessed to have different luxuries such as WIFI, TV and all of that. However, I had not taken a mental and emotional inventory.
I found myself getting to a point where I felt okay with not checking in with myself because I was caught up on being in touch with my loved ones. Keeping up with Zoom University, as well as work. Although it seems as though we have all the time in the world while we are indoors, I was shocked at how much time I spent on the grind without even giving myself a breather. I needed; I still need to take a beat. I needed to stop putting on myself the pressure of having to push hard, just to feel like I am on top of everything.
Everyday there is someone out there talking about what people should be doing with their time in quarantine. With suggestions ranging from, how people need to be picking up new skills, sharpening old ones, reading 5 books a month etc. While all of these are important and helpful in keeping ourselves sharp, it is more important to take a mental inventory. What good is it to learn a new skill if you feel emotionally and mentally depleted? Think of it this way, mind over matter. Your mind drives the matter, so if you are not well then what you do won’t come out as you want it.
Remember, you are the common denominator in your life. You begins with who you are and how you are, not what you do. Take the time for you, release yourself from the pressure and feel the feels.