Triggers, let’s talk about them. We all are dealt with different hands in life and in the course of life we experience, the good of life and the harsher side of it. In the grander scheme of things, many of us push to see the harsher times as the building blocks of our characters, emotional intelligence and wisdom. Growing up I didn’t understand why certain things were happening to me, I couldn’t understand how the bad was going to somehow amount to good.
Recently I found myself in a heap of tears because of a movie, “Miracle in Cell No.7”. It was trending for awhile on the socials, and all reviews said that it would be full of emotions. Full of emotions is an understatement. Halfway through, I had to take a beat because this movie brought out so many emotions and thoughts back up. As I took a beat from the movie, I kept trying to understand what in the movie triggered me the most.
As I was looking for triggers, I kept questioning whether I had healed from certain things or if I had scammed myself into thinking I had healed. It finally hit me that this was going to be the best explanation I could get for “forgive but never forget”. I realized that my triggers weren’t because I hadn’t healed but because in an abstract way, I was paying homage to the experiences I’ve healed from. I had forgiven, I am still forgiving but I can never forget.
It may sound really weird but sometimes homages aren’t always as glamorous because sometimes they push us to honor the sides of us that people don’t know much about. We live in a world where we see people’s beautiful sides of life because naturally that’s what we would show, but the other side of that knows pain. That same pain we have worked hard to build from sometimes needs the equal amount of attention, love, and honor it deserves. I have fought my battles, you have fought your battles and the painful moments are an important part of our happiness now.
Here’s what I leave with you. You’ve healed and you’re still healing. Some of your triggers are made to push you hard for healing, and some others are a reminder of how much you have healed. Pay homage to the struggle because it’s not only the good that has brought you thus far.
As always,
Love and light