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Lonely...Never Alone

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Lonely but never truly alone,

Shaken to my core, down to my bones.

Lost in the melancholy,

Lost in the turbulence,

Lost in this chaotic world of my own,

A world I call my mind and sometimes I call home.

Lonely but never truly alone,

You see this thing I call my home, it scares me.

Embedded in the wirings of my emotions,

I find myself lost in that which I want to be,

Overlooking that which it is,

Somehow perfecting the art of running away.

Lonely but never truly alone,

Surrounded by the love of the tribe,

The care of the matriarchs,

The zeal to heal,

The passion to find self,

The passion to love self.

Lonely but never alone.


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