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Reset & Recalibrate

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

How often do you take the time to balance books? I mean a mental clean-up of your life and what has been going on?

Recently, I found myself living life on auto-pilot and I was not aware of the impact this was having on my mental space. There is a certain point when we are caught up in the everyday motions of life that we forget to feel the feelings and take time to reflect. In hindsight, I felt the autopilot life was working pretty well for me, until it was not.

Over the past few months, life has hit somewhat of a plateau with intermittent highs and lows. As life hit a plateau, there was this large sense of dissatisfaction within how I felt about how my life was progressing. Because I thought that the pace things were moving at isn’t aligning with my envisioned trajectory, life became quite bleak and somewhat annoying. The things that brought me joy were not quite as exciting, and the parts of me that kept me going and excited, were slowly dying out. In the midst of this mental turmoil, I never for a second tried to think of bringing myself peace or solace, but I was rather adding salt to the wound by over-analyzing and thinking of life at the moment.

In our lowest of times, we tend to hyper analyze all the different aspects of our life. The good gets overlooked, the bad gets worse, and all these come crashing down on your mental space in various ways. We tend to throw ourselves into different things that can distract us from our internal turmoil, but in the end this only makes the situation worse. When I become mentally overwhelmed, I throw myself into caring for those around me and their wellbeing. I will check on my people, be around them, push myself to be more social, all in the name of distracting myself from my problems. But in all of this, I had to remind myself that I couldn’t keep this up for a long time because the cup I was pouring from would get depleted at some point.

So I say this to say what?

Intentionally find time to recalibrate and reset your mental space. Be intentional about addressing the things that bog you down and the things that also bring you joy. Once you set this pace for yourself, you realize how this declutters your mental space and more so allows you to create a healthier approach to addressing your mental turmoils.

Your mind is the one place that you will always live. Take care of your home and be intentional about the care, love, and attention you give it.


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