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The Good Times & The Great Vibes

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Isn't it great to feel good?

I have been asking myself this question frequently, because to be honest I am living in a moment where it’s constantly “pinch me, is this real”. Life has been moving well, the intentions have been intentioning, the energy inside and around me is beautiful, and I am filled with gratitude.

With all this goodness surrounding me, I realized that it can be so easy to fall into the enjoyment of things, that we don’t reflect on how/why our happiness has come to be. I do not mean this in a pessimistic way, but more so in the sense of reflecting on what has brought happiness and how to harness it.

In this 2021, I entered the year with the goal of intentionality in all things and with intention came learning and unlearning a few things. The year threw curveballs at me in various ways but each of them were a stepping stone into my season of blessings and to essentially reep the seeds I had sown. As the year progressed I became more and more selfish with my time, energy, and love. This meant that before I poured my energy and love into others, I had to make sure I was giving it to myself and paying just as much attention to myself as I was to the people I cared about the most. In the midst of these realizations, I noticed how certain people would pull back or have a negative perception of me taking time out for myself or just choosing my peace before bringing peace to others.

The more I poured into myself, the lighter I felt and this opened the door to me embracing more parts of myself. With all these positive flows coming into my life, I had to take time and reflect on what has brought me happiness, why has it brought me happiness, and how I can keep that same energy moving forward. Reflecting on the good times widens your lens in order to truly see what/who brings you joy, as well as showing you what didn’t bring you happiness. Sometimes we get too caught up in the whole “live in the moment” that we don't think about how to make that moment and energy last. It is easy to sit down and reflect on the bad because as humans we tend to be able to criticize ourselves easier than celebrating ourselves. Reflection isn’t just for the tough times, but also for the good times.

So I say this to say what?

You know how they say, “Don’t forget God even in the good times,” same goes for reflecting on life. Just as we remember God in the tough times, we must remember Him in the great times. Just as we reflect on tough times, we must reflect on the good times. Instead of making the tough times last, make the good times last.

Love & Light,



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